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Student Reviews of Housing:

"I loved living in butterfield hall as a freshman. It started off my friendships and experiences at the university. I enjoyed being able to walk down the halls and knowing so many people that I could hangout with at any time. Also, a huge benefit to living at butterfield was the convenience of being able to take an elevator down you your own personal dining hall." -Austin

"I did not like living in the dorm tucker because it was a very quiet. I did not meet too many people because no one really left their doors open. However, I did enjoy tucker because as an engineer I was able to meet a few other engineers which helped me with my studies as well and meeting people with similar interests." -Pat

"My freshman year experience living Butterfield was interesting. I have to say that I did enjoy myself while living there. It was very convenient that the dining hall was connected to the dorm but I do wish the rooms were a bit bigger for triples. There wasn't enough furniture for 3 people to have each of their own pieces and there wasn't much room. The bathrooms could've also been bigger and more convenient." - Anna

"Living in Butterfield Hall has played a big role in the great experience I have had at URI during my freshman year. .  The best part about living in Butterfield is that there is a dining hall where I live.  It is very convenient to not have to walk to Hope or Ram’s Den because of the dining hall in the building.  It is especially convenient in the winter when it’s cold and snowing and when you do not feel like walking anywhere.  I live on the fourth floor of Butterfield and the people I have met on the floor have become some of my best friends.  We are always hanging out together, playing music and playing video games.  I have met a lot of great people on my floor and in the building as well.  Another great aspect of living in Butterfield is that the RA’s are always there to help you through your issues and ultimately they want you to succeed.  Butterfield was also rated the happiest freshman dorm and the best dorm to live in during Fall Semester." - Mike

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